Frequently Asked Questions
Why are we doing this?
As a Community we are asking for Matt Kenny to be held accountable for his actions in two officer involved shootings. Both incidents resulted in the death of individuals suffering a mental health crisis and/or excited delirium. We feel that Matt Kenny is a danger to our community in his position as a Madison police officer.
Who is behind this campaign?
A small group of social justice activists started the “In Pursuit of Justice” campaign after two innocent people died at the hands of Matt Kenny with no repercussions. The Social Justice Center of Madison is acting as fiscal sponsor for this endeavor and has a long history of supporting the community in the pursuit of equal and just outcomes.
Why is Matt Kenny a problem?
Madison police officer Matt Kenny has killed again and again. Kenny’s victims, who he knew needed help, were suffering mental health crisis and medical emergencies. Individuals who were experiencing distress when they were killed, and each time officer Kenny escalated to the point of death and violated protocol with impunity. He has not yet been held accountable, and has even been rewarded: letters of recognition, a medal of valor.
What are we doing?
We are releasing all of the evidence related to the officer involved shootings involving Matt Kenny. We want the truth to be revealed in what really happened on March 6, 2015. The goal is to have the City review all of the available evidence and re-open the case as a first step.